Meet Tom
“My journey to becoming an artist is unconventional, to say the least. It began in high school when a scheduling issue—my school didn’t offer AP Physics—led me to take a semester of music history and a semester of art. That’s where I was first introduced to oil painting. However, life took me on a 30-year detour filled with diverse experiences, including operating a nuclear reactor and serving aboard a submarine.
Although my path may not be typical, it’s one that deeply shaped my perspective as an artist. Three key influences have guided my creative journey. First, my mother, who always encouraged creativity in our home, from setting up an easel in the basement to enrolling me in classes at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Second, my aunt, Margaret “Boots” Hart, whose inspiring watercolor landscapes and magical portraiture left a lasting impression on me. And finally, my daughter, whose participation in our city’s art immersion academy reignited my own passion for creativity.
It was my daughter’s inspiration and a lingering desire to create that led me back to oil painting. After a three-decade hiatus, I enrolled in an Adult Learning Center program to reintroduce myself to the medium. Since then, I’ve continued to refine my skills through trial and error, YouTube tutorials, studying the masters, and painting both in the studio and en plein air.
I am particularly drawn to the challenge of representing subjects in a realistic manner—but always with a twist. My work captures the items, places, and moments of the day, infusing them with context and emotion. Whether it’s a gold-foiled Harry & David pear, a rubber duck from Duck Donuts, navigational buoys repurposed into a scrapyard fence, or a pile of wine corks, my goal is to create compositions that engage the viewer and evoke curiosity.
I’ve been honored to showcase my work as a juried artist at the Nansemond Suffolk Academy Art Show (January) and the Norfolk Academy Art Show (April). Even more meaningful, though, is when guests purchase my creations—a true “blue ribbon” in my book.
In addition to paintings, many of my images have appeared on note cards, bringing joy to recipients in the form of “snail mail.” Hearing that someone not only appreciated the artwork but also reached out to thank the sender is always a highlight for me.
As I continue to grow in skill and vision as an oil painter, I invite you to join me on this journey. Together, let’s explore the beauty, stories, and meaning that art can bring to life.”